Tuesday 1 November 2011

Introduction to World War I

World War I, (also known as the Great War) was a travesty that went from 1914 - 1918 mainly involving the major powers of Europe back then: Russia, France, Britain, Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary. There were more than 15 million casualties and it was the first of many wars Australia would be fighting in the 20th century.

During this time in Europe, an alliance was formed called the 'Triple Entente', consisting of: France, Britain and Russia. Fearing what this alliance could bring, Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary allied with each other and called it the 'Triple Alliance'.
Proceeding the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand - heir to the Austrian-Hungary empire - led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia, because the assassin was of Slavic descent. Gavrilo Princip, a member of the group Black Hand, shot Ferdinand and his wife three times altogether when the couple was waving to the people in a street in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Because both Russia and Serbia were predominately Christian Orthodox, Russia went to help Serbia fight, but the Triple Alliance meant that Germany would intervene and instead Russia fought against them. This then later brought in France and Britain, because they were apart of the Triple Entente.
Alliance, militarism, imperialism and nationalism were all factors in causing this war.


  1. HEY GUYS :)
    This post was very informative and was written concisely making it easy to read and understand. Good job!

  2. Good wording. Short and sharp and to the point.:)

  3. This is a good first post. The alliance system that created a 'domino effect' is thoroughly described. Interesting to read about the strong ties between Serbia and Russia. You state the other factors, however you do not expand on them. It would have been good to expand on these a little. In future, use hyperlinks to link an image to the site you got it from (I can show you how to do this). Overall, a nice start (H).

  4. Thank you Mr. Wilkins!
    And yes, do tell on the whole hyperlinking-image thing.

  5. Oh hey, you don't have to show me the hyperlinking thing. Yeah, I found the 'link' button, haha.
